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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Okami System : Nintendo Wii Date Added : 2008-01-29 17:19:32 Views : 23495 Finding the hidden Shiranui Statue At the entrance to Kamui (in the area where Oki's house is located), go into the middle section of the area. You should see a snow covered rock. Power-Slash it a few times and a statue of Shiranui will appear, similar to the one in Kamiki Village at the beginning of the game, except with the Solar Flare divine instrument. Defeating Crimson Helm Avoid its attacks. Remember, he uses fire based attacks. If you get burnt, used the Gale Storm Brush. When he starts to stand up and burst into flames, start to attack him using your Devout Beads. He will reveal himself as a flaming skeleton. Use the Gale Storm Brush to put the fire out. He will be just a normal skeleton. When in this state, attack him using your Devout Beads. Continue doing this to defeat Crimson Helm. Snowflake brush technique After obtaining the Blizzard brush technique, you will also unlock a secret brush technique. This technique simply requires drawling an asterisk (just an "X" with either a horizontal line intersecting the middle or a vertical -- not both). A snowflake of ice (size depending on the asterisk drawn) will appear with icicles falling around it. Using this on townsfolk. It temporarily turns them into snowmen. Defeating Lechku and Nechku You will have Oki on your side this time. Lechku will do about the same thing as Nechku; shoot dark fruit and ice. Defeat Nechku using the same technique used last time. Lechku however can freeze time, allowing Nechku to attack. Use a Power Slash to stop Nechku. Lechku will also wield a Nine Strike like Ninetails used. Draw a thunderbolt to it. When they malfunction, uses Oki's ice bow, bite him, pull, then fire. You and Oki will attack him. Continue this to defeat Lechku and Nechku. Finding Inabi The Animal Lover at Ryoshima Coast complains that he has lost his pet named Inabi. Inabi is at North Ryoshima coast or on one of the islands near North Ryoshima Coast underground. Inabi is the back and white rabbit that is with all the other hares. Note: Inabi is Capcom's madscot. Defeating True Orochi Use the same method on the True Orochi as you did with the normal Orochi. However, there is a catch. His gold armor gives him higher defense, but he does not attack as much. When he does attack, it does a lot of damage. Use the same method you used with the normal Orochi to defeat him. Giving new kimono design to villagers After you defeat Blight, the cursed zone will clear. At the Sei-an exit, turn left. There will be a building next to a locked building. Go inside of the building. You will be inside of a kimono shop. Go to the room next to the cashier and there will be a man who is a kimono designer. Talk to him, and he will ask for a new design. Draw whatever desired on the kimono. After you do this, the villagers will all have the design you drew on it. The walls will also have the same design. Defeating Orochi Orochi will be protected by a barrier. Your attacks will not do any damage to Orochi. You should be able to dodge the slow moving flames on the fire head. Later, use the Waterspout Brush to pour the sake into the Orochi's mouth. Do this two times and one of the Orochi heads will get drunk. Walk onto the Orochi's neck and get to the bell. Attack the bell until the bell's health gauge reaches zero. The barrier will shatter and you must get the all the Orochi heads drunk. Do the poison and darkness head last. You are now able to attack the heads when they are drunk with your weapon (preferably the Beads of Life) and brushes. Continue this until Orochi is defeated. At the end of the fight, Susano will appear. Use the Power Slash Brush wherever the kanji (Japanese symbol) is, and the Orochi is defeated. Secret Thunder Shower Brush Technique After you obtain the Thunderstorm brush technique with further game progression, draw a thunder-bolt symbol (resembles like a four-jagged zig-zag line), and a group of thunderbolts will fall onto enemies. Viewtiful Joe When Onigiri Sensei goes into "training mode", he will go into a pose that is similar to that of a pose from Viewtiful Joe. Turn Oki people into wolves Draw a circle around any Oki townsfolk to transform him or her into a wolf. Draw a circle around the townsfolk again to change them back into a human. Defeating Bandit Spider Bandit Spider is an optional Boss. To fight Bandit Spider, learn "Digging Champ" from Onigiri Sensei. Then, go to Ryoshima Coast. Go past the Monk Temple and follow the trail. There will be an area when there are two brown cows and a calf. There will be a rock surface for you to dig at. Dig there, and a hole will appear that has a purple mist coming out of it. Go into it, and you will be able to fight Bandit Spider. Bandit Spider is a lot like Spider Queen, except it attacks more often by throwing energy balls. Draw three lines to his spinnerets, then attack the lamps. Also, when it starts spitting out a metal sac (with a fuse on it), draw a line form the fire to the "bomb" and you can attack the lamps again using the same method. Continue doing this to defeat Bandit Spider. Game Unlockables Your final end-of-game evaluation on what you did during the game will determine what number of unlockables you get.
Golden Fury: Urine attack Obtain 100,000 yen. Go to Shinshu Field and buy it from the Sensei. This enables you to urinate on your enemies. Defeating Yami You will not have your brush techniques at first. Just continue to attack Yami. Watch out for his saw blade attack. He will also smash holes in the ground. Watch out for them until you obtain the Rejuvenation brush. You can now fill in the holes. Sooner or later you will obtain the Power Slash brush. You can use your weapon (preferably the Tundra Beads, Thunder Edge or Solar Flare) and Power Slash. When Yami lets his guard down, attack him. You will soon obtain the Bloom brush. Just use Bloom on him to reveal his controller, and attack it. Continue this to defeat Yami. Hidden brush technique Using the brush, draw a lightning bolt sign. This should unleash a rain of electricity. However you cannot use the brush on the lightning to use other powers. Rain brush technique Defeat Ninetails and go to the queen's temple. Use the water on the ground to draw a line connecting the pillars together. Defeating True Yami First, you will not have enough power to use melee attacks and brush techniques. When you get enough ink, draw the sun to weaken True Yami. The controller will fall out of its hand. You will have a chance to attack him. Use the Solar Flare, Thunder Edge, and Tundra Beads. Brush techniques will work well, but should be used sparingly. True Yami has very powerful, almost one-hit K.O. attacks. He will whip up a tornado, that once you are trapped in it, has no escape and it will eventually kill you. Use the Gale Storm Brush to blow away the tornado, but True Yami will sometimes take away the sun so that the tornado will pursue you without you being able to use the Gale Storm Brush to blow away the tornado. Just run if this happens and wait until you are able to draw a sun and attack the controller. True Yami may also throw balls of lightning. Dodge them. A barrage of a just a few will kill you. He may also bring down a rain of fireballs that could kill you. If you manage to get hit by one, you will burn up and slowly eat your health. Use another Gale Storm Brush to put the fire out. If he uses ice, it will do a lot of damage and freeze you. His most powerful attack is his great laser attack. Get your camera to where you can see a full view and avoid it. When the controller is visible inside the giant hand, you can attack it easily. Use a lot of health items and just attack the controller when it is visible to defeat True Yami. Changing ice statues When you enter Kamui go to the right of the Guardian Sapling. You will find the Kokari boy and his dog Ume. To the right of them is the third dojo. There is a big pile of snow close to it. If you power slash it enough times, an ice statue of Issun x1000 will appear. Destroy it with Inferno and go in the dojo then go back out. The pile of snow reappear. If you power slash it again, a statue of Sakuya will appear. Keep repeating the process for a new statue every time. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Okami cheat codes.
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